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Insiders @ Company : Artisans, Manufacturers and Masters of Interior Design

At the intersection of interior design, quality craftsmanship, and passion, this book presents exciting and thoughtful homeware–and the people who design them. Was everything better in the good ole days? It’s a widespread fallacy, at least when it comes to the crafts. These days, more and more people are on the hunt for high-quality furniture, including custom kitchens, carpets, curtains, and appliances with a sense of history and personality. The need for manufacturers and craftsmen is undergoing a renaissance with an emphasis on quality over quantity. Craft a Home shows how designers and architects stage a space with an eye for something special: using traditional processes and modern materials and technology, they create furniture, accessories, and fixtures that redefine the standard with a nod to the past. Who specializes in marble inlays, and who is the go-to for a bespoke stool–and where can we find these top-dollar designs? Craft a Home brings order into a world of value, celebrating the best in the business for every facet of design

Hardcover 272 pages

Dimensions  ‎ 24 x 30 cm 

ISBN 9783899559361

Book 28 in Order Form

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