Specialist Supplier Of Books For Visual Arts Educators Australia Wide

Blackbook Sessions V.5

After a decade long hiatus, Publikat is bringing back the much-loved Blackbook Sessions series due to continued demand from the underground. Over the course of 160 pages Blackbook Sessions V.5 offers an insider’s view of the individual approaches taken by contemporary graffiti writers. Some work out perfect pieces on paper, others just scribble around, allowing their ideas to surface through more gestural work. These volumes are published in Germany and focus mostly on the European Graffiti scene, but writers from around the world enjoy being profiled within.

Featured writers include: DEJOE, MR.BAKER, KACAO77, SLIDER (GER), RUSTE, SEWER (US), TRUBA, TRUN (RU), SWET (DK) among many others.

Paperback 160 pages

Dimensions 22.9 x 15.5 cm 

ISBN‎ ‎ 9783949526022

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